lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

Trail of tears

 a hundred year road
was how it seemed to me
although half its course I'd lived
I'd accumulated a hefty fee
'Twas not the dark nites
nor the shattered expectations
'twas the pain that I felt
a legacy none to attractive
for my life's aspirations
a backwards walking balance
left me sensing loss
-Dream seeking fulfillment-
luster like
lighting fires 
as the sun 
it falls
A call
a desire 
to come Full circle 
swaying to the rhythm
I carry on


domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021


 El silencio encapsulado
no te permite a crecer
una tiene que bañarse...
a descender a las entrañas,
y la oscuridad te revelará
todo lo que tienes que saber.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021


Sadness moves through me 

like a snake that slithers across the desert floor.

Simplicity cradles me

into undiscovered depths.

Guzzling deep the silence, 

drenching my unadorned nakedness,

as authenticity weaves, 

I embrace a new beginning.

Often feeling left "out" yet with a fierce intention to rule the world.

There are those who stand beside me, 

their quiet presence, nurturing the emptiness held within.

Yet dominant minded hearts 

forbid me to break their rules,

--and with their feeble projections, 

they attempt to dictate a Universal truth. 

Here be it said, as aching bones reveal,

from the very depths of your Spirit,

my essence binds tight to your soul.

I feed you like none other. 

yet as the conquists begin 

I realize now

It's time to move away

-a safe domain-

onward now I move

--our dreams 

I cease to  chase

lunes, 5 de julio de 2021

Mis Maestros tienen Monstruos

 Way back when

when of circles and colors I learned,

of numbers and letters, and the essence of time

-they taught me well-

how to stay within the lines.

Way back then...

despite the complexity of it all

I was taught   to sit still, stand straight, hands by my side.

Never utter a word, out of context nor without rhyme. 

I grew, the routes  marked out for me.

In  the last few years, a succession of knowledgeable souls have crossed my path.

I learned of fear, temptation, and doubt.

I witnessed longing, anger, and  pride.

I also saw truth, sacrifice, devotion and triumph.

I received verbal direction spiced with lashings of the painfully obvious,

They challenged my very depths.

Super humans, capable of personal confrontation .

My gurus, my guides,  my friends and examples,

Allowing me to emerge from my own self doubt and inquiry.

privileged to dance 

and breathe

beneath the stars.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021


WORDS can be powerful
    they can create or destroy
WORDS can be powerful
    they can build bridges or close doors
WORDS can be powerful
    they can nurture or cause fear
 WORDS  can be powerful
    be careful of the ones you choose
WORDS can be powerful
    they can cultivate or bury alive
    they break the silence with thier noise.
 WORDS can be powerful
    like the sun or a storm off the shore.
 WORDS  can be powerful
    they can weave or unravel.
-Though often they must be spoken.
 WORDS can be powerful
    painting ever so carefully, the spaces in between.
 WORDS can be powerful
    thoughts proceeding, be aware of their potential.
 WORDS can be powerful,
    written, spoken, whispered, or screamed.
 WORDS can be powerful

    they compose our incredible world.
—Be careful of the ones you choose.


LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pueden crear o destruir
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pueden construir puentes o cerrar puertas
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pueden nutrir o infundir temor
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       ten cuidado con los que elijas
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pueden cultivar o enterrar vivos
       rompen el silencio con su ruido.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
      como el sol o una tormenta en la orilla.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
      pueden tejer o desenredar.
-Aunque a menudo hay que hablarlos.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pintando con mucho cuidado los espacios intermedios.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       pensamientos en curso, sea consciente de su potencial.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas,
       escrito, hablado, susurrado o gritado.
LAS PALABRAS son poderosas
       componen nuestro increíble mundo.
—Ten cuidado con los que elijas.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2021

I Spy

 little did she know,
he had a window to her realm
intimate space
-a peeping Tom of this new world
little did she know,
how carefully he inspected her territory
silently judging
every little move she made
but little did he know
her world mirrored his very own
fragile constant reminders
of  fragmented societal norms
that tore from the roots,  the uniqueness of us all
Preached conformity
molded perfectionism
it was everything,
that he tried to escape.
but there was something that he noted 
in her gaze
and it mattered not,
the perceived imperfections
something about her eyes
gave hope to his mundane life.

domingo, 6 de junio de 2021

Wishing on Stars

sea of green
deep entranced 
sense of triumph
zero contemplation
against dire
 -in light of all
benevolance found
light and love seeking... 
resistance Escaping
as I pursue
a quiet retreat
y final .


domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021


you live,
you breathe,
you thrive.
I've tried every escape I know,
only to return to this realization.
For this I have resigned,
and now I am certain.
That here...
you live,
you breathe,
you thrive.
Your essence
has fused with mine.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021



The Divine Masculine

I've seen pain,
I've seen doubt
I've seen frustration, confusion and anger at it's very core.
I've seen nostalgia.
I've seen joy.
I've seen pride.
I've seen remorse.
I've heard peticions for forgiveness,
as I seek forgiveness myself.
I've felt your pain
and my sympathy runs deep my friend.
May it all flow,
--this and so much more.
I embrace you my beloved brother.
Allow it all to pass.
Fear not my ally,
for the rain cleanses us all,
and the sun brings forth new growth.
I love and admire your strength.
You are multifaceted and extremely talented.
May your heart,
prove to be 
your most exonerated guide.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

50 Shades of Me

I can be hard,
hard on myself,
hard on others.
I can be unapproachable,
damn right unnegotiable,
resisting all urge to communicate.
I can be savage,
my roots firmly pulling me towards the ground.
I am often kind, and understanding
always willing to lend a helping hand. 
I practice patience on a daily basis
and continually sing from the top of my lungs.
The dancer inside me is my most powerful voice,
for it's a vocabulary I've had,
since the beginning of time.
I can be a frightened little girl,
and often pull away to escape.
A playful companion,
that loves the sun as much as the moon.
I can be judgemental,
choosing to play some holy self righteous queen.
I can show  my fangs,
when my anger rages from the deep. 
I often hide, 
when the truth is,
I'm always hoping to be found.
I can be artsy, sometimes fartsy.
I'm a lover of animals and those long nights when the family sings together.
I am often cautious,
sometimes reckless.
I've been called undisciplined, immature and I'm sure a hundred things more.
I like to be creative, with letters being the weapon that I weild. 
I can be a worrywort plagued with indecision and doubt.
I continually try to fill the shoes of my ancestors,
paths which the Universe so graciously provides.
I hate to admit it but my jealousy can sometimes get the best of me.
I am reactive, often jumping to conclusions and responding like a child.
Coiling ever so gracefully, this multifaceted,  tumultuous, extraordinaire
are the hues of light, embedded in this vessel  
it's all that I truly am.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021

Ridiculous Me

It never ceases to surprise me 
My ability to attract the shallow, monotonous 
Humans, that thrive upon this earth.
A self professed seeker of non conformity
how do I find my self in this calamity?
Once upon a time, 
I a met a man who stated he looked for a lover, a friend and a "woman".
'Twas a spectacular dream, though not long after,
he wanted to dress me as his doll.
and once I saw a meme that read,
"Alexa, awaken the Divine Masculine."
THERE! I said! That would TRULY be appealing.
This whole shitstorm that we're in has really taken a crazy turn,
where men will send you a virtual coffee and then proceed to stick it to you good
--all the while, portraying themselves as "hard" working boys. 
(Though we all know, all they're looking for is a quick lay.)
Had it not been for friends of a different mind set, I'd have said that the DM ship had already sailed:
Truth be known, the brave ones seems too few and far between.
-but damn if I'm not tired of the  superficial male 
willing to suck the life blood of the opposite sex..
I'll keep dancing and singing my song,
my true soul mate, is not far off now.
No longer exists the slogan of "man up now",
more appropriately speaking it's changed to
"every man for HIMSELF".
 and on that ideology, I deviate it's false pretense
and beg that someone please, grow some....

jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

Big E

the desire to provoke
--the continual need
to hear a singular voice
What's behind that shocking message
that's so important to be said?
Sex sells, an obvious ploy to make oneself  heard,
and the profane undoubtedly will arouse 
but what lies beneath all the rubbish
-a lackluster insolent way of communication-
paste that sign, it'll get more recognition
or is it that society has become too easily offended
and like an over protective parent
begs to make our choices
I prefer the sound of the rain,
the voice of the wind,
the roar of the hearth embracing fire
simple little me
it's not as if I never choose to shout
and yes, my vocabulary often lacks gentile finesse.
I'd rather build bridges,
mend fences
than obliterate the peace that costs so much
to cultivate within

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

Cuando me desperté


 luscious slumber

        intense breaking,

the potent elixir of a name

    sentí la llegada de la tormenta

        el viento me acunaba con su fuerte aullido

             una fiera que me dejó helada


                            Bien solita

       Un remolino zumbando

            sincronízada con mi destrucción

No dejas de aparecer, mi vida

    Este mundo no está hecho para nosotros

        mejor que dejemos de soñar

Ni tu ni yo,

    somos suficientes valientes 

        para bailar a este banda sonora tan original

la baraja, el tiempo, los versos,

van en nuestra contra

y cuando me despierto


todo este tiempo,

has estado aquí

y se, que este sueño, aunque despiertes,

jamás dejarás de sentir.

domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

Fresh Air

As the Godess as my witness
↝three times now↜
I've wrung my hands of thee
Three x's  a charm
Hell, if that's not what I believe
I spring back and I dive into the pool
I engulf my spirit in this familiar beloved domain
where all song cradles me
my voice devoid of your name
I gyrate with the  rhythm of my own accord
and I feel absolute gratitude
for everything that I have learned.
I move on
to my own groove,
to my own song.
I proceed to live life as my own.


sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

Lone Wolf


in the pitch dark
learned to dream
of a life beyond rules
Evolving far from the pack
She relinquished any Alpha role
and any semblance of a twisted reality 
as others portrayed an infallible specimen
the one that departed,
free of roaming with the pack
abhorred ludicrous established codes
unrealistic expectations and other societal "NORMS"
which conjured a most lackluster world
embraced the pull of the unknown
lay quietly
'neath the sky
by the trees
in the open
-she wailed-
a kindred flame 
-she called out
-a signal-
that the beloved 
had finally arrived home


miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021


 Qué facíl creías
conocer alguien con quien podías conectar.
-hablar de cualquier cosa,
-mira el cielo en silencio
-cantar con confianza a su lado
-hacer pequeñas adventuras
-o gozar uno del otro en un espacio abierto
-bailar con una canción que te dedica, estimado, no...
la magia del sencillo
es lo más apreciado de todo
porque la encantada
a Encantar.

New Day

Planting seeds, forward on I go
Uncertain incubation
troubled spirits
a soul that's lost it's way
no need for approval
as you jump far from the wolves that kept you at bay
Nourish it forth, as you gently dance upon their "graves" 
Waste not, want not
Strong euphonic you,
with a voice that beckons the Spring
no more tears 
the rain has passed
the public's domain shall have it's say
With the arrival of the Sun
tiny seedlings search for life
and from the darkness once embraced
the warmth calls all onward
for it's a brand new day.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2021


They say I'm changing
Man, I don't know if  it's true
same scenario
Repeated behavior
It's like a scratched record
Stuck in the same groove
they say I'm aware
that the sword I wield
is made of a powerful earthly substance
That it's sharper than ever
and that knowing it's worth 
makes me that much stronger
though I still feel
how the river, which once raged
seeps ever so deep within my veins
I've this eerie sensation
it will continue for the rest of my days
Though I break free
and learn how to fly
it's that which nourished me
that taught me to love with absolute devotion
the wings that set me free

lunes, 12 de abril de 2021

No time to cry

Take a slice of drama

let it bleed until it dries

Circumstance leads to frivolous chance

seams busted by unacknowledged excess 

dresses being soiled, with little importance to the how or the why

five days a week

Nine to five

I ain't got no time, I ain`t got no time... 

Push it back, way back

better yet, slip it under the rug

no one will ask and I will never tell

keeps those secrets buried well

Now, now, those scars don't lie

Rude excuse to cover the truth

I ain't got not time to cry

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

Gods & Goddesses

Once upon a time

long before there were Kings and Queens

inmense beings dwelled the earth

neither holy nor infernal

they were powerful magnifications of human beings

Over time they appeared obsolete, yet, 

every so often they manifested among the mundane

and so it happened that two of these beings crossed paths

No longer dictated by ancient norms, they revealed a nobility long lost on mortals.

Difficult to describe but an underlying mutual respect 

transformed these feeble creatures into superlative entities

But the great RESET came into play 

and since that time their souls have drifted apart

These encounters no longer take place, 

for they have all ascended, leaving nothing but despair in their grasp.

martes, 6 de abril de 2021

Deep Dive

Straying far from shore
has never been my style,
I crave the stability of my feet touching the ground.
Although I often choose to float gracefully as the clouds pass by.
Then came the instant when I pondered going deeper
although I resisted,
all urge to go from a depth that required assistance.
I plunged, from that very depth which I had long been accostumed to.
No tanks, nor appendage that were not my own,
except for the googles which revealed my course.
One deep breath, I slowly descended.
Water subtly pushing on my lungs as I continued to submerge.
I closed my eyes, counted to ten and let myself wade gently down.
In the distance I saw a small glimmer and followed the unknown course.
Beneath the surface, a tunnel  that I carefully allowed myself to follow along.
My body gently slid through, to the right, a bit to the left, further down I went.
Into the light an immense opening emerged
and I found myself again, amongst the earth
lush, unencumbered, free of its own.
I'd believed that  I'd found paradise
lest I forget that one island from my past
Damp cold cavernous, shivered me to the bone
as I longed to be, once more in the sun's warm embrace
Again,  shutting out life and love, my eyes I close again
deep breaths, 1, 2, 3...  4, 5, 6, 7...I shall return to me.
And from the depths I ascend
farther off shore than I'd ever been 
in the distance, the island I now see
and I gently glide back to the bank, gracious beloved sand
Earth that cradles me so, and faithfully carries me on.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2021


Allí estaba, 10 pies de altura
pies enraizados a la tierra, 
rodeada de flores, zumbidos y olores
Un inmenso espacio arriba
reconocida y apreciada  
simplemente por ser lo que era
Ni diamantes,
ni anillos de oro
Ninguna promesa para cumplir
Su poder fue un amistad verdadero.
Poseía un magnetismo 
entre la tierra i el cielo
su sostén
un gran amor
así bailaba,
al compás 
los pasos de sus pies
y un nave espacial 
prendió fuego a la casa
Así construía 
lo que más deseaba
Un barco llena de amor, comprensión y un mundo de otros valores
Un trato sensato, 
la sinceridad y nada más
Así logró
sembrar mil y una semillas
y todos podían
Vivir sin juicío ni falsas pretensiones
simplemente seguir, al son de sus corazones


viernes, 2 de abril de 2021

Dead Pan Ally


I should have known it would be trouble

hanging out on that One Way street,

'Twas boredom that led me to stay 


the dumpsters full of lies

the puddles of half told truths

and the falsely painted skies

All left a rather pungent stench in my heart

I was thankful to discover an escape through a broken chain link fence

Undoubtedly crafted by previous victims of this trance

shoulda known

empty promises and self infused tales

Wouldn't you know

it all led me back to a time and space

that taught me great worth, 

What an intelligent inversion it was.

Next stop,

a train to my desire

Steam slowly building

Sounding on the wind

riccochet, back to me

My life has just begun



domingo, 28 de marzo de 2021

Worm Moon


Vamos a perseguir la luna, 

hasta el 22 d'Octubre

las flores y sus vecinos, 

se unen a nuestro celebración

un baile de cuerpos, 

al ritmo de la Primavera

por fin, el hielo se derrita, 

los fuegos encienden ...y se apagan

Dando rienda suelta, a nuevas historias

emborrachandonos con los rayos del sol, 

bañandonos en el resplandor de la luna

vamos a correr hasta la madrugada

reindonos a la fortuna de la vida 

y nuestro impotencia ante el destino

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Sastre de Colores

Navegar por aquel mundo, exigía un ser singular.
Rodeado por las x y los "y's" requería un savoir-faire.
Ella poseaba su encanto...
con sus hilos bonitos y resistentes... 
y sus brillantes tijeras afiladas.
 -oh, cómo se deslizó por debajo de las fachadas-
Tenía un don de adivinar, las necesidades de cada alma
y confecionar algo único para cada individuo y su vida.
Los tonos es de lo que más lograba acertar.
Hacer un salto desde el negro hacía un granate opulento,
o un mar de indigo a un verde muy oscuro,
Rojo cereza a una turquesa cobriza... 
trazaba cada estrella, meteorita, y materia oscura
caminos escondidos
lugares desconocidos. 
Coronas por las animas y trajes de mil colores,
transformaban la luz del Sol i la brilla de la luna 
Revelando cada persona
y todos sus posibilidades
 -triunfos y errores-
lo feo y el bello
el barro i el agua
Una capa de flores, 
petardos y amanaceres.
Una liberación absoluta, abrazando sus verdades.



Sea of Dreams