martes, 29 de diciembre de 2020

sigues allí (an incantation)

es como no quieres marchar
por que todavía estás aquí?
no quieras dejarme en paz...
tu olor con el viento,
un sonido que evoca tu voz.
como cualquier otro,
I banish you from my future, 
I banish from my past
No rule have you here, although. you think you have my heart.
Perhaps not today but soon, very soon,
I shall be able to reclaim it as my own. 
I try so hard to bury you but buried you do not stay.
Lo qué me haces es injusto, tu presencia aquí ja no está.
Te adoro, te amo, pero no sé que quieres de mi.
Eres un fantasma que pide penitencia por un crimen que ya no existe. 
I will you now,
it matters not, the song, the time, the air or the sun in my hair,
you can no longer punish me for something I've already set free.
I wish you happiness, I pray for joy but may you never again cross my path.
So mote it be.

turn around

envuelvame en el silencio,
con el color de tu voz.
Sienta NO mira, te digo,
y si por allí no está, no te desanimes...
Sigue el camino-
y escucha tu respiración, 
inhala, exhala, inhala, --es el son de tu propio cor.
Sigue el camino, te traerá un tesoro de verdad.
Estos nubes tan altas...
Empieza de nuevo, 
la tormenta ya ha dejado su furía atrás.
Visualiza, lo qué es que quieras
susurro al viento, 
el negro y el oro sintonizan
el silencio envuelve
tu sangre fluye...
ilusiones qué destruyen
build a New form, a New World --a new song
tired of the mundane explicable
I move quickly forward 
as I begin to carry on

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020

momentos de cambio

I'd begun to name my demons and they began to walk upright beside me.
One by one, I began to embrace them all
and I felt the vibration of my own voice
as a thousand generations echoed in the wind...
-y aquella noche estrellada
la araña me dijo...
"ven, conmigo, tengo algo que te voy a enseñar"
así entonces, llamé el viejo buhó, mi aliada para declarar.
--i ella me  dijo "dentro del silencio me encontrarás y ahora te confieso lo que puedas manifestar.
En esta telaraña hay hilos sobre las puedas pisar, sin problema las podrás deslizar,
otras si no te cuides, te atarapará como cualquier otro preso."
"Estoy aquí para mostrarte los enredos de tu vida, 
donde te has equivocado, 
como solucionarlos y prevenirlos.
Es una medicina potente, quizás lo más potente que haya."
Así me dió dos pasos atrás,
inclinando mi corazón hacía el cielo 
respiré profundamente. Sabía que me contó la verdad.
Entonces me di la vuelta y subí mi estimado amigo
para volar como nunca antes
ascendiendo a mi propio poder para sanar.

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020


 Alice you've fallen down the rabbit hole

and the magic elixir, there is no more

what you need to ascend, is nothing more than the cold hard facts

so dust off ancient memory and come to terms with the past

a bright new world awaits you, it's just around the bend

grant yourself time and forgiveness before you begin again.

Self deception seemed a good idea at first but the truth will set you free.

Our mothers and fathers, bless them now, they did their very best

but when we learn from their ancient patterns

we ourselves begin to mend.

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2020

The power of silence

The spider slowly spins it's intricate web,

while deep in the forest the squirrel, in his curious frenzy, dive bombs being seen by none

I hear a voice, a scent permeates my being

you have yet to leave me,

inspite of everything I know and have learned,

in our own silent world your presence 


is heard

 He was no God.

She was no Queen.

Despite their disacord

Something worked between them

An unstoppable consumate energy which

bonded their very existence.

For no matter how far either one ran 

they continually arrived to that same place 

where the Sun marked the cadence 

Of their soul's path

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020

to the end...

There are who travel with you,

to the ends of the Earth.

--and despite the distance encountered, 

each minute that passes, 

there are whispers returned with a sign.

--and their presence remains in your soul.

These are difficult times and it's no wonder many wander, 


I feel incredibly fortunate to have those by my side.

With you all I remain, and some day soon, 

we shall be together again.

So mote it be.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020

Where there is truth

 It is said that where there is truth, there is light.

and as I emerge from this darkness, a vibratory revelation

-owning my short comings, errors and trippings up- 

I seek all answers

Scrying that crystal ball

adamently checking all my resources, 

tired of drudging up the past.

my blood, the rivers run deep,

apparent remanents of another time

and I draw from this reservoir, 

perhaps it's source, 

my great grandmother knew it all too well...





Sea of Dreams