domingo, 28 de marzo de 2021

Worm Moon


Vamos a perseguir la luna, 

hasta el 22 d'Octubre

las flores y sus vecinos, 

se unen a nuestro celebración

un baile de cuerpos, 

al ritmo de la Primavera

por fin, el hielo se derrita, 

los fuegos encienden ...y se apagan

Dando rienda suelta, a nuevas historias

emborrachandonos con los rayos del sol, 

bañandonos en el resplandor de la luna

vamos a correr hasta la madrugada

reindonos a la fortuna de la vida 

y nuestro impotencia ante el destino

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Sastre de Colores

Navegar por aquel mundo, exigía un ser singular.
Rodeado por las x y los "y's" requería un savoir-faire.
Ella poseaba su encanto...
con sus hilos bonitos y resistentes... 
y sus brillantes tijeras afiladas.
 -oh, cómo se deslizó por debajo de las fachadas-
Tenía un don de adivinar, las necesidades de cada alma
y confecionar algo único para cada individuo y su vida.
Los tonos es de lo que más lograba acertar.
Hacer un salto desde el negro hacía un granate opulento,
o un mar de indigo a un verde muy oscuro,
Rojo cereza a una turquesa cobriza... 
trazaba cada estrella, meteorita, y materia oscura
caminos escondidos
lugares desconocidos. 
Coronas por las animas y trajes de mil colores,
transformaban la luz del Sol i la brilla de la luna 
Revelando cada persona
y todos sus posibilidades
 -triunfos y errores-
lo feo y el bello
el barro i el agua
Una capa de flores, 
petardos y amanaceres.
Una liberación absoluta, abrazando sus verdades.


miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021


Cada vez que le dejaba
fue como si me habían arrancado el corazón
- no podía respirar -
Ahora sigo, pero no sé muy bien, donde tengo que ir.
Fue mi brújula 
-mi aire 
-mi abrigo 
-mi risa 
-mi razón
Desde siglos le sentía
siempre ha estado conmigo
-por mis venas corría
-en las noches más oscuras
-mi luz 
-mi calor
Por esto persigo ahora,
cada salida y  puesta,
sea de la Luna o del Sol
rastros de su ser.




lunes, 15 de marzo de 2021

The Cave

On the steps of Spring's door, I was called to enter in.

 another dream taking me back

telling me to stop

asking me to breathe...

tearing off corners of silence for me to digest

so dark, so cold, so lonely...

.self isolation.

A den of deprivation.

Once I layed in the forest and for days upon end I looked up at the sky.

"Whatever would I do, without the moon and stars at night?

The warmth of the Sun and the humm of the bees?"

-The trickle of the water runs free in it's hidden depths...

reminding me that life flows deep from within.

Solitude surrounds me, like a big bear and I am cradled gently to sleep.

and in the dark withdrawn recess, in the distance I hear the howl of a wolf.

Oh how he watches over me. 💜


domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

Temps de Tornada

Avui, he trobat el pas,
un pur desig de moure'm.
Després de un any, per fi ho vull veure 't.
 Tot semblava tan surrealista, que em vaig anar corrent a la direcció oposada ... 
 -Parlo amb els meus amics i em recordin com eres- 
El temps, escrit pels anys de un somni...  
i amb tant anhel tornar a la riba.  
Sentir-te, amb els meus peus a la terra mentre el meu cor segueix amb les estrelles.  
Com la volta a la meva llar, estimat "Blue", com m'espantis, però torno...
 i junts escaparem a la lluna.  

I choose

I choose to believe in the Sun when there is nothing but rain,

I choose to remember the good when the world's gone astray.

I choose to bathe beneath the beams of the moon, even on a cold winter's night.

I choose to build a giant fire, and roast marshmallows in the solace of my heart.

I choose silence over the chitter chatter of the masses.

I choose reconstruction after I've torn everything to shreds.

I choose to remain faithful to what my soul dictates.

I choose to recall moments, no matter how minute they may have seemed.

I hold closely my memories, the most valued treasure of my realm.

I choose to bask beneath the acceptance of me,

the adoration of storms and the eternal pursuit of calm. 

I choose to love above all else, the essence of me.

I choose to believe in the immense value of man.

I choose to live in harmony and one day to swim in that lake again.


 Llevo tiempo esperando...

Tantos años corriendo...


-resisto la perfección𓀊

- resisto dudarme𓀭

-resisto a todo coste, cesar el dolor𓁧

-resisto la certidumbre de la logíca𓁎

y creo firmamente en la magía𓁕

Ahó, Mitakuye Oyasin!

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021


the drone like ticking of the clock...

time is silently forged

↝the hardened mask transforms ↜

As the layers begin to chip away.

We strip back false attributes~

carefully constructed 

as they once were painted...

Revealing fresh skin, tender hope and perhaps

a shattered dream ...or two

and to the Sun we choose to stand 

and wait for the moon to cradle us again

One deep breath

Determined courage from within

𑂽The warmth of Spring ☀

brings us back to life once more.


domingo, 7 de marzo de 2021

Feel the energy rise

fingertips trace on each breath drawn
 as scented lips travel restricted roads
and unspoken words reveal who we truly are
bouquets of time travel fragrently round
Little desire for cultivation-
each prize won must be on location
and so we have arrived to this unjust notion
and risk has taken on a new dimension
 defeated spirits seek alternative routes
Cautiously finding "safe" resorts
No significant other 
but tongues to lick the wounds.
Filling sails with absolute promise
a new day has arrived
the wolf has substituted his fangs for a cape
and we witness how the tables turn
close your eyes
and feel
the gyrating changing of the tide


viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021


 I have a friend, he takes me down the dark roads

all the ones, I'd never wanted to go.

He's shown me my life, in bits and pieces

brought forth tears like Niagra's pisces.

He's made me laugh, and face ugly things

cleared out closets and oiled my bed springs.

He shakes out carpets and looks under cushions.

He makes me face that horrible monster which dwells inside of me.

Go to my fear and demand prudent observation and bravely insists on humble transformation.

It's been a stroll that had I never taken, in my life, I would be unaware of all that I've mistaken.

So for all those roads with brambles and burrs, 

I can safely now walk down cleared paths.

-off in the distance a coherent future I see, 

and how gracefully now, it lays in front of me.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

Fresh Air

 The time has come, rebirth is near

as the poppies begin to stir in the air.

The clouds they bring a cleansing rain

which gives us hope for a brand new day.

A vital force begins to flow as I gave thanks for the abundant growth.

and upon this mountain top I ride and bring forth my desire for an abundant season

that leads us all to bring new reason; to love, to laugh, to sail the seas, 

expulsing all tragedy

With lung filled love I sing to thee,

and thank the greater force that be, 

within me now that which leads

a faithful companion in times of need.

I dance till dawn to give thanks to thee

serving those afflicted by "shortened breath".

I fill thy lungs, with renewed energy 

Treading lightly, I choose to lead

as quietly I move to plant the seeds.

Live love now, I choose to be.



Sea of Dreams