domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021


you live,
you breathe,
you thrive.
I've tried every escape I know,
only to return to this realization.
For this I have resigned,
and now I am certain.
That here...
you live,
you breathe,
you thrive.
Your essence
has fused with mine.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021



The Divine Masculine

I've seen pain,
I've seen doubt
I've seen frustration, confusion and anger at it's very core.
I've seen nostalgia.
I've seen joy.
I've seen pride.
I've seen remorse.
I've heard peticions for forgiveness,
as I seek forgiveness myself.
I've felt your pain
and my sympathy runs deep my friend.
May it all flow,
--this and so much more.
I embrace you my beloved brother.
Allow it all to pass.
Fear not my ally,
for the rain cleanses us all,
and the sun brings forth new growth.
I love and admire your strength.
You are multifaceted and extremely talented.
May your heart,
prove to be 
your most exonerated guide.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

50 Shades of Me

I can be hard,
hard on myself,
hard on others.
I can be unapproachable,
damn right unnegotiable,
resisting all urge to communicate.
I can be savage,
my roots firmly pulling me towards the ground.
I am often kind, and understanding
always willing to lend a helping hand. 
I practice patience on a daily basis
and continually sing from the top of my lungs.
The dancer inside me is my most powerful voice,
for it's a vocabulary I've had,
since the beginning of time.
I can be a frightened little girl,
and often pull away to escape.
A playful companion,
that loves the sun as much as the moon.
I can be judgemental,
choosing to play some holy self righteous queen.
I can show  my fangs,
when my anger rages from the deep. 
I often hide, 
when the truth is,
I'm always hoping to be found.
I can be artsy, sometimes fartsy.
I'm a lover of animals and those long nights when the family sings together.
I am often cautious,
sometimes reckless.
I've been called undisciplined, immature and I'm sure a hundred things more.
I like to be creative, with letters being the weapon that I weild. 
I can be a worrywort plagued with indecision and doubt.
I continually try to fill the shoes of my ancestors,
paths which the Universe so graciously provides.
I hate to admit it but my jealousy can sometimes get the best of me.
I am reactive, often jumping to conclusions and responding like a child.
Coiling ever so gracefully, this multifaceted,  tumultuous, extraordinaire
are the hues of light, embedded in this vessel  
it's all that I truly am.

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021

Ridiculous Me

It never ceases to surprise me 
My ability to attract the shallow, monotonous 
Humans, that thrive upon this earth.
A self professed seeker of non conformity
how do I find my self in this calamity?
Once upon a time, 
I a met a man who stated he looked for a lover, a friend and a "woman".
'Twas a spectacular dream, though not long after,
he wanted to dress me as his doll.
and once I saw a meme that read,
"Alexa, awaken the Divine Masculine."
THERE! I said! That would TRULY be appealing.
This whole shitstorm that we're in has really taken a crazy turn,
where men will send you a virtual coffee and then proceed to stick it to you good
--all the while, portraying themselves as "hard" working boys. 
(Though we all know, all they're looking for is a quick lay.)
Had it not been for friends of a different mind set, I'd have said that the DM ship had already sailed:
Truth be known, the brave ones seems too few and far between.
-but damn if I'm not tired of the  superficial male 
willing to suck the life blood of the opposite sex..
I'll keep dancing and singing my song,
my true soul mate, is not far off now.
No longer exists the slogan of "man up now",
more appropriately speaking it's changed to
"every man for HIMSELF".
 and on that ideology, I deviate it's false pretense
and beg that someone please, grow some....


Sea of Dreams