lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

The Divine Masculine

I've seen pain,
I've seen doubt
I've seen frustration, confusion and anger at it's very core.
I've seen nostalgia.
I've seen joy.
I've seen pride.
I've seen remorse.
I've heard peticions for forgiveness,
as I seek forgiveness myself.
I've felt your pain
and my sympathy runs deep my friend.
May it all flow,
--this and so much more.
I embrace you my beloved brother.
Allow it all to pass.
Fear not my ally,
for the rain cleanses us all,
and the sun brings forth new growth.
I love and admire your strength.
You are multifaceted and extremely talented.
May your heart,
prove to be 
your most exonerated guide.

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Sea of Dreams