martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

entre manos

the fragile power
of time 
quietly articulates
without words
without shouting
A beautiful...
unsuspected surprise

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

"stimulus catalyst!"

lead me to believe
fountains of inspiration
lead forwardly 
toward truth
step aside blistering
crystalized beacons
WILL summon us on

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012


*we shall return after this very important but brief interruption

Where was I when I was only pretending to be there?
What far-off spaces was the grimacing youngster inhabiting 
without leaving the living room or classroom?
In what direction was he spooling his thread?
As a rule,
I was moving backwards in time 
ravenously hungry for the bloody entrails of history 
and mad about the Pitch-Dark Ages 
or the Baroque interim 
of a war lasting thirty years.
Peeling the Onion
Günter Grass

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

it's been a long time coming

11 és el nombre que porto
fa 11 anys que he arribat
i ha estat una època molt interessant
la veritat, no nego,
m'agrada el lloc on estic
però, és que, malgrat tot, 
mai he sentit molt a gust.
Les tradicions, sempre m'han atret, i per això ...
els Castellers, el gegants, 
Els correfocs, els trabucaires, 
les calçotades,
... els he viscut amb molt emoció.
Podríem parlar també del vi i la gastronomia que són, evidentamente entre els millors. (que per a mi ha estat tot un honor aprendre fer alguns plats ...)
El que no acabo d'entendre és cert manera de ser,
parlen d'orgull però per a mi, més aviat ho percebo com arrogància.
Perquè dic això? Només arribar, tantes em van dir que viuen en una societat tancada, i tot i no creure-ho, em sembla cert. Diuen que costa molt tenir una amistat a Catalunya, i això he viscut en la meva pròpia experiència. Jo entenc la mentalitat, el que no em quadra és, perquè s'ha de morir intentant.
És tristamente cert, vivim en temps difícils i no sé si estem menys units o més separats. El que em pregunto, és que és que fa falta al món avui en dia.
Total, demà és un dia molt especial per aquest país i respecte la seva veu, 
tant de bo que
per una vegada, 
els donarien el que volen.

pd.  September 11th for me, 
is a day of great mourning and sorrow.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012


one last hand
dealt over and over
the same cards come up
 like rolling the dice
waiting for those snake eyes to manifest
a senseless prisoner
betting on 
tyrannical liberation

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012


The very essence of
that famous little one,
and in all seriousness,
he was the swine less inclined
to adhere to amusing pranks.
 Faithfully he toiled
and with stunning accuracy he developed
-the most certain solution-
against that big bad demon
His logical, cunning wisdom
is what sustained him 
each brick meticulously set in place
his refuge
from all harm
tight rein 
saving grace

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

my wheel, it does not turn

It is quite obvious, that this blog is FOR and about ME.
It serves as the instrument which I utilize to encounter my path, therefore, I desire not an avid following, only to hear my own voice on the wind.
For quite sometime, I have been having difficulty, getting my wheel to rotate.
Is it the axis itself, or, as I often suspect, has one of its spokes been broken?
I have come to the conclusion that it is not broken, but more accurately, it is as if there is one which is made of substance so foreign to my being that it has been rejected by my "body".
It seems simplistic to say that, and more often than not, it would appear that --
my return to theatre COULD fix all my problems.
It is absolutely false this assumption.
Now while I have often dreamed of my very own BLACK BOX, it serves to say that, without an audience, it would never survive.
Which leads me to the "broken" areas on my wheel.
It is unrealistic that neither a "loving relationship" nor, a fiercely impassioned career is what will sustain my boat, it is more importunely the balance between ALL sectors of the wheel.
I summon my totem animal, to aide me in the task of correcting the imbalance in my life.

The audience, however small, should be participant in THIS play
....for if there is a spoke which cares only for itself,
needs to be larger,
begs for more attention....
 it renders itself useless to the rest.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

the unlikely protagonist

entering a space
 your heart ceases
a sensation 
most difficult to fathom
desire ignites
  you sense a movement 
ever so subtle
your breath cuts 
as you wait...
for the lights to go DOWN
and the show

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012








Sea of Dreams