viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

my wheel, it does not turn

It is quite obvious, that this blog is FOR and about ME.
It serves as the instrument which I utilize to encounter my path, therefore, I desire not an avid following, only to hear my own voice on the wind.
For quite sometime, I have been having difficulty, getting my wheel to rotate.
Is it the axis itself, or, as I often suspect, has one of its spokes been broken?
I have come to the conclusion that it is not broken, but more accurately, it is as if there is one which is made of substance so foreign to my being that it has been rejected by my "body".
It seems simplistic to say that, and more often than not, it would appear that --
my return to theatre COULD fix all my problems.
It is absolutely false this assumption.
Now while I have often dreamed of my very own BLACK BOX, it serves to say that, without an audience, it would never survive.
Which leads me to the "broken" areas on my wheel.
It is unrealistic that neither a "loving relationship" nor, a fiercely impassioned career is what will sustain my boat, it is more importunely the balance between ALL sectors of the wheel.
I summon my totem animal, to aide me in the task of correcting the imbalance in my life.

The audience, however small, should be participant in THIS play
....for if there is a spoke which cares only for itself,
needs to be larger,
begs for more attention....
 it renders itself useless to the rest.

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Sea of Dreams