lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

simply enough

-it's early role in my life
-and the absence of silence that followed
-the sing song candy of sugar in my veins
-the burning sensation of dance within my soul 
this all gave way to my firm foundation
that words upon a page were rules which one could follow
or simply destroy
then came the day when breath became my most precious resource
and the night sky, my most faithful companion. 
I sought refuge in the quiet mysterious world of old
and there I found
a Me that I had never known.
I had to fight fear to reach the apex of my desires.
and few were those who witnessed the bonding of souls,
an intricate tapestry laid for a community to behold.
I quietly moved to the sound of my own drum
and afterall, I believed,
that it was simply enough.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020


Are your t's crossed?
Have you dotted your i's?
Did you remember to color, inside, every single line?
Takes all those lies they've bundled up for you
and throw them to the fire.
Life is much more beautiful with a bit of uncertainty,
some crazy adventures,
letting loose the norms
of a society bent on taming you
to be an obedient servant
Question all
and forwardly move beyond
the safe monotonous life
that wants you
to conform

Bold enough to roar

Memories begin to fade.
and I come to the conclusion
that what once I believed was certain
were merely crumbs upon the floor.
So with great care and determination,
I begin to devise my own advanced notion
and initiate the power of acceptance.
With an inmense sense of gratitude and grace
I mark my  objectives high
aiming towards the sky
Faith I have found upon this trail of failure
but success, I have discovered even more.
and as I march on towards my aspirations
within me a mighty desire to surpass all expectation
and from my silent refuge I seek
the courage to sing
a quiet powerful tune
for I have a Vision
and from this Palace
my earnest endeavor is to soar.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020


En mayúsculas,
Esta palabra, me llegó rápido.
La noción de herencia,
pero en términos muy sencillos y brutales .
¿Cuál es el legado que dejas a los demás?
¿Sería una casa? ¿un coche? ¿un barco? ¿un negocio?  
o simplemente €uros para gastar?
No, nada de esto me importa, me aferro a la noción de algo más.
El amor propio, un concepto sobreutilizado con frequencia, es el regalo más poderoso de todos.
Si enseñamos a otros a amarse profundamente,
a pesar de todas estas "defectos" que este mundo parece creer que tenemos.
Porque de este pozo de abundancia, aprendemos a aceptarnos primero,
luego observamos a los demás, en nuestra hermosa luz imperfecta aprendemos a brillar.
Vinimos aquí para disfrutar de la vida, no para vencernos.
Porque cuando estamos satisfechos con nosotros mismos, en otros podemos confiar.
Así que oro, queridos humanos, dejen esta herencia y nada más atrás.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

el Son del meu "cor"

Era un fuera de series
qué no todos sabían manejar...

Me gusta como andas,
y como el viento lleva tu olor.
Me encanta como reías,
sin importar lo qué la aveces la vida trae.
Me impresiona como sigues,
despertando cada día con las ganas de conquistar,
porqué en esta vida nada te regala, tienes que reinventar.
Que gran amor llevas, limpiando caminos, abriendo puertas...
abrazando los enemigos por las verdades qué revelan.
Descargando desilusiones,
sigues bailando a tu ritmo
profunda entrada
a un bosque de incierta gloria
yo te sigo...
por donde ya
la vida me dirá.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

Escudo Blanco

Aveces la vida parece un lecho de espinas...
un ciclón te rodea, un vortice sin cesar.
El espiral gira con tal fuerza
y su único objectivo es reventar
...y cuando aseinten las piezas
es cuando puedas reconstruir.

Llega el momento
que nada más que el silencio te envuelve,
-por fin puedas respirar.
el camino continua
con la libertad de vivir
libre de la critica, libre del odio,
abierto para amar...

jueves, 9 de julio de 2020

Souls for SALE

wherever you go
you KNOW it's so
we are all for sale
with some fancy new fangled
mercy to sell
you see it in the news
it flashes by your feed
there is no time
to digest it all
just let it all hit you in the face
no place to run
no place to hide
they are all run by the same ONE
they've got us all so addicted to the furitive high
you couldn't escape
even if you tried
so give up
don't give it a second thought
you've got the answer
and if not, there's another who does
don't take the time to hear your voice
it's much too quiet
it has no place
you make a vow
to take it all back
reclaim your independence

get some fresh air
and free yourself from the absurd 

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020

Instinto Real

Qué lección más difícil de enseñar,
lo qué nos indica lo verdadera verdad.
Existe un barometro interior,
una voz que pocas escogen escuchar.
Con la mente por delante,
seguimos nuestro ruta predeterminada.
"Lo logíco", lo "bueno" a pesar de lo que dicta nuestro cor.
Desafortunadamente, nos insinua lo qué existe en realidad.
Tantas veces pasa qué un amistad, una relación, o cualquier hecho,

No es legítima a pesar de todos nuestros deseos
Nuestras entrañas, es la voz de escuchar.
Y resistimos, hasta el día que por fin nos damos cuenta
qué las cuentas de hadas también nos pueden enseñar.
y duele, cuanto lo duele...
Por suerte llega el día qué desubres algo más
que encienda desde el más hondo de tu ser
y de esta verdad, no puedas escapar.
Quizás sea lo mejor manera de aprender
que un amistad que vale la pena
no hay que luchar
simplemente existe
no hay explicación ni excusa porqué es
y esto, no hay precio que pagar.

*Dedicada a mi hija y a todas sus amistades; los superficiales y los reales.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

Freedom, no...

"phone in  hand
we made a solitary stand"
-so much lost love, which in another we too often beckon.
On through the foggy dawn
our hopes lay trodden
in a fictious world that keeps us prisoners of our very own making.
You claim to be free, yet unable are you to put the apparatus down.
It appears to be warm, and often gives the illusion of consolation.
Do you ever stop to wonder, what lies beyond, all that fear, ...all the manipulation?
A precious reflection, a beacon that with time manifests 
the authentic breath of life.

lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

they taught us fear

Once upon a time,
we could hear each others voice.
Now it seems we only choose to hear our own.
Flowing over...
back log on demand.
My refuge I find in song.
Though there are voices many,
I hear their cry.
Who is right,
if the other is wrong?
Carry over -
-subtract and never add-
through this murderous game
fear was instilled in many...
with nary a conflict found.
Free yourselves, my people,
take the steps
inspite all uncertainty
there is another dimension
another place
another time
Take heed people
Take a look, breathe,
and stop
do not move along
heed those other voices
it will be all you hear.

When the moon disappeared

monotonous routine
ever seeking predicament
-that provocative knock at the door-
until all at once, with a mighty mighty roar
far upstream she swam
to cancel the subscript mundane
further on, as the smoke began to rise
and padding well her cell
abstract opportunity
lest not one remember
those cold winter nights
the hot summer days
far up the ladder she climbed
far out of the moon's way
for she had forgotten to remember
that subtle energy infused
--for this she no longer had time
and in spite of the quaint profit she had gained
the loss of the Celestial
Turned off the entire sky
it was that very night
that the stars began to cry.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020


For her, femininity raised great speculation,
better said, it raised a spectacular beast within-
neither vicous nor cruel...
more so,
unpredictable, uncontrollable,
she sought to hide forbidden treasures
disguise various gestures,
cast away unspoken notions
to explore, to be explored
raise the flag, he's diving in
Illustrative fears
must not hinder but illuminate
fortitude and enlighten the path
antiquated perceptions
trembling earth
lead to momentous quakes
the volcano.


scrape clean the vicous
innocuous webs of decay
break free the semblance
of injurous fools at play
trip over forlorn
shivering wolves at bay
set the stage of concurrence
invoke the majestic
embark on the journey
ride the moon
laughing madly
as your eagerly cross
to your long awaited destination.



Sea of Dreams