miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

Gods & Goddesses

Once upon a time

long before there were Kings and Queens

inmense beings dwelled the earth

neither holy nor infernal

they were powerful magnifications of human beings

Over time they appeared obsolete, yet, 

every so often they manifested among the mundane

and so it happened that two of these beings crossed paths

No longer dictated by ancient norms, they revealed a nobility long lost on mortals.

Difficult to describe but an underlying mutual respect 

transformed these feeble creatures into superlative entities

But the great RESET came into play 

and since that time their souls have drifted apart

These encounters no longer take place, 

for they have all ascended, leaving nothing but despair in their grasp.

I taught myself to run

to not look back

strip the layers of a fictious past

full of  fear, with heavily laiden guilt

I see glimpses every now and then

of what was

and what, perhaps, 

one day could return.

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Sea of Dreams