lunes, 5 de julio de 2021

Mis Maestros tienen Monstruos

 Way back when

when of circles and colors I learned,

of numbers and letters, and the essence of time

-they taught me well-

how to stay within the lines.

Way back then...

despite the complexity of it all

I was taught   to sit still, stand straight, hands by my side.

Never utter a word, out of context nor without rhyme. 

I grew, the routes  marked out for me.

In  the last few years, a succession of knowledgeable souls have crossed my path.

I learned of fear, temptation, and doubt.

I witnessed longing, anger, and  pride.

I also saw truth, sacrifice, devotion and triumph.

I received verbal direction spiced with lashings of the painfully obvious,

They challenged my very depths.

Super humans, capable of personal confrontation .

My gurus, my guides,  my friends and examples,

Allowing me to emerge from my own self doubt and inquiry.

privileged to dance 

and breathe

beneath the stars.

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Sea of Dreams