miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021

The Sun still shines

so many days filled with pain and indecision,
the clouds hover like an anvil weighing on our souls
it seems that the end shall never come 
as we look towards others to blame for this detestable chaos
but there is no poverty, poverty does not exist,
Truthfully admit that despite abundance 
lays a mass disporportion of poorly distributed wealth
and yes, there is sickness, 
but to heal we must begin with ourselves
for as a sick parent finds difficutly in healing an ailing child
we too, must restore our personal health
and for that I rely on my community, to build me up and keep me strong.
Far be it for me to prosyletize "Raising your Vibration"
that in itself can be an offensive statement.
Where has the faith in humanity gone?
do we really fail to believe that much in ourselves?
I seek to renumerate the positive and I love how the breath fills my lungs.
I count each and every blessing, even the smallest ray of light.
I refuse to let my spirit be crushed because there ARE things which we have accomplished, there are numerous ways that we triumph.
I myself have no answers, only a dire need that we all work together
to regain stability and continue to dream on.

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Sea of Dreams