lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

little jewel

they deemed themselves unworthy
and let love pass them by
-for they believed it to be reserved, 
-for someone more deserving,
-for someone less complicated, 
or maybe someone with more status, --more money...
Little did they know, that upon their doorstep was laid, 
an opportunity with no need of "cash"  upon return.
That something that was offered merely by the Gods, 
and a resounding voice asked only that it be treated with care.
Yet never was it heard, for the raging voice inside their head 
dare not let them dive into the deep dream of life.
So they remained a tiny jewel, 
unseen upon the ground, kept carefully hidden from all passerby,
never realizing that it's worth came from the discovery of the complacent soul.

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Sea of Dreams