sábado, 27 de abril de 2024

Here and Now

I'm everywhere and nowhere. 
Disciplined in my non disciplined world. 
and I've learned that my fear has no base.
-and deep beneath the surface
something simmers within the human race
Our past histories culminate
and we are arriving where we need to be
In continual evolution
Destiny designates without Fate

domingo, 21 de abril de 2024


 diving down the rabbit hole
I mustered all my strength
delving into unfamiliar realms
Uncertainty laid it's bait
off the beaten path I wandered
inspite of my fears strength
Desencion fast swallowing
as I tumbled into
the arms of a quintessential embrace
Voices proudly singing, a path formed by my fate
Reaping now the harvest, 
my past has become my new mate
and hence I began to ponder
the seeds with which to sow
New beginnings, new adventures
a humble strategy to find my way
Endeavors, companions
weave  present past and future
with a discreet and opitimstic illusion
I quitely continue on


Sea of Dreams