sábado, 27 de abril de 2024

Here and Now

I'm everywhere and nowhere. 
Disciplined in my non disciplined world. 
and I've learned that my fear has no base.
-and deep beneath the surface
something simmers within the human race
Our past histories culminate
and we are arriving where we need to be
In continual evolution
Destiny designates without Fate

domingo, 21 de abril de 2024


 diving down the rabbit hole
I mustered all my strength
delving into unfamiliar realms
Uncertainty laid it's bait
off the beaten path I wandered
inspite of my fears strength
Desencion fast swallowing
as I tumbled into
the arms of a quintessential embrace
Voices proudly singing, a path formed by my fate
Reaping now the harvest, 
my past has become my new mate
and hence I began to ponder
the seeds with which to sow
New beginnings, new adventures
a humble strategy to find my way
Endeavors, companions
weave  present past and future
with a discreet and opitimstic illusion
I quitely continue on

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2024


 Never have I felt so powerful
as when I've pointed the finger in the other direction.
Pride and self righteousness
paved my way toward heaven now
you, with your small minded,  crooked stance
you, could never climb to the glorious height which I have reached
until hems begin to unravel,
stains blotted beyond repair
shattered glass
a window on the stair 
how could I become so shallow, so crass
to not see my very own helix path
in time the finger came back 
it was me who was it's target now
small curled up ball
painful insight bled
into my very walls
shivering reflection
I am aware
of my own self deception
the desire of heart felt compassion 
could be cultivated by none other than me
myself, I,
and breathe
pursual of midnight dreams

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024

Wounded Warriors

I found myself hiding from life
As an army of false narratives paved the way
I fervently clung to illusions and lies
Now, I quiet my steps, to hear the song of the birds.
slowing my pace, haunted by unforgotten words
Actions driven deep, sharp pains, 
A venemous residue as society clutches ever so tightly
to the trauma of our past
We have all walked upon glass, as our Ancestors burials
were meant to erase injury without pardon
a complex world
and as we evaluate what now lies before us
but in the deepest recess of our collective memory
we shall come to see that the very nature of humans
can also be, kind and nurturing
and so it must be, for this is 
humanities gargantuan Last Stand.

domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

"please try again"

they've hung up, long before the conversation has ended

conclusions drawn like curtains, hearing only what they believe was said

one sided worlds 

waiting for their turn, to sprawl their garbaje over your lawn

yet this hardcore disconnection, was no fault of their own

long stretches of time

isolation hibernating within their soul 

they had lost all notion of the eloquent endeavor 

of appealing to exterior needs

shades drawn, lights dimmed

their very souls clung fast 

to their safely constructed vision of reality

In spite of all yearning for human closeness, 

twas that very nature,

that harboured a 20 foot high meticulous iron wall 

mystery their shroud

embraced by the warmth, 

of their well known comfort zone.


Sea of Dreams